Saturday, November 27, 2010

thanx to everybody who attended this "Art is Hard" vol 5. Your support is very important! Thanks guys!

A picture of the exibition setting at port area of Thessaloniki (warehouse C). The works have been shown in terms of the "Art is Hard" Vol 5 event on 11th November 2010.

"The Pink Weapons" 105 x 70 cm. Stencil on canvas. The voting previlege is our weapon against our "masters"!!

"The Dollar" 105 x 90cm. Stencil on canvas. Only power beats power.. think about that for a moment..

"Independence Day" 145 x 95cm. Stencil on Plexiglass with light mechanism in the back. The knight who kills the dragon of our times is part of the "Dead Heroes" series. Hope you like it..